
Is personal air vehicle safe to travel in the city?

Air transportation is the safest and the most convenient way to travel in the modern world. As for now, it is mostly available for long-distance flights, but soon we will be able to use a personal air vehicle in urban areas.

In our previous article, we have talked about the very definition of urban air mobility. This brand-new concept is going to change the way of how human perceive air transportation in urban areas. Today, we take a closer look on safety measures of personal air vehicles. 

Personal air vehicle – the best drone for travel in the city

For now, whenever we think about air transportation, we picture a huge aircraft taking dozens of people on board. However, the concept of air travel is going to change soon, thanks to the introduction of personal air vehicles. This new type of aircraft is meant to be a new mode of transport in urban areas. Designated for on-demand air travels in cities, it is compatible with the idea of urban air mobility. 

A personal air vehicle is going to be a complete different from traditional airplanes. Due to its intended character, it will remind more a drone than a conventional aircraft. To fit the specific landscape of urban areas and become the best drone for travel in the city, such vehicle needs to be small, quiet and reliable. However, probably the most concerning issue for many people is the safety of flight.

Automated air transportation

In air transportation, there is no place for any mistakes. Even the smallest flaws might lead to a catastrophic disaster. In traditional flights, pilots are responsible for lives of dozens of people. Their job is to fly passengers safely to the destination. In the case of personal air vehicles, any inaccuracy in the flight trajectory may cause a chaos in a city. After all, we don’t want any aircraft crashing into a building. 

That’s why personal air vehicles are not going to by flying cars from the vision of science fiction movies and comic books. Driving a roadable aerial vehicle in urban landscape would be difficult even for the most experienced pilots. That is why urban air mobility aims to use the unmanned aerial aircraft to ensure the safety of both people inside the vehicle and the surrounding. The whole flight will be completely automated to reduce the risk of a potential mistake in the city air transportation.  

A safer city with an urban air mobility

Personal air vehicles are not only the best drones to travel. They are also a potential solution to make cities more sustainable and safer for local people. Today, urban reality is marked with traffic jams, road accidents and other unpleasant effects of car-oriented travel. By taking some part of the urban traffic up to the sky, we will be able to make our cities less crowded and safer.  

Of course, air transportation still needs to be properly adjusted to be a functional alternative as a city mode of transport. The urban air mobility industry still works on adjusting new technologies to make personal air vehicles the safest way to travel in cities. However, the most important goal on the road to introduce air transportation into the urban landscape is to earn people trust and convenience them to this new way of traveling.  

It might seem to be a great challenge to do so. The idea of urban air mobility still looks like science function concept for many of us. But some recent breakthroughs in this industry, alongside with an innovative approach of various brands and companies, shows that “flying cars” are closer than ever. Follow our blog to find out about them!

drone transport UAM

Urban Air Mobility – What do you need to know?

Have you ever dreamed about taking off to the sky instead of being stuck in the traffic jam? Urban air mobility is an innovative concept of air transportation which will make your dreams come true.  

In the modern world, air transportation is the most efficient way to travel. Currently, traditional airplanes remain the first choice for people who want to travel by air. However, the situation is going to change soon, thanks to the introduction of urban air mobility (UAM). What is it and how exactly will it influence the way people travel?   

Limitations of traditional air transportation

Before we move to urban air mobility itself, it is worth analyzing the current state of air transportation. Currently, most people traveling by plane must rely on airplanes. Despite being an irreplaceable element of our civilization, they have some noticeable flaws.  

The most notable problem with traditional air transportation lies in versatility. Main vehicles used for transporting passengers are airliners. Those airplanes are designed to carry a large number of people. Although airliners are extremely efficient way to travel for long distances, they need airports for the landing procedure.   

Another problem of air transportation is logistics. Airliners need an enormous amount of aviation fuel to take off to the sky. It makes air traveling the most expensive way to transport passengers. The environmental consequences of an intense air traffic are also an important factor. 

Urban air mobility – elegant transport for a more civilized age

While traditional air transportation is excellent for long-distance travels, urban air mobility’s goal is to make flying more suitable for a lower scale. UAM is utilizing technological progress to provide ground-breaking solutions for air travel. Vehicles designed that way are going to be lighter, safer and more precise, what will make them a perfect choice for urban landscape. 

It is worth to note that the idea of urban air mobility isn’t exactly new. Smaller and more versatile vehicles, like helicopters or light aircraft, are already in use as a more comprehensive way to travel by air. Unfortunately, such solutions are still rare and expensive. Because of those reasons, only a small percent of people can afford to travel that way. However, the versatility of helicopters and undeniable grace of private airplanes has contributed to the development of modern urban air mobility.  

Drone transport for urban areas

The main difference between UAM and traditional air transportation is the emphasis on making air travel suitable for urban areas. That’s why urban air mobility puts a high value on sustainable city development. Using drone transport to carry passengers creates plenty of opportunities. Implemented properly, it will decrease traffic and make urban environment safer than ever.  

Urban air mobility market is still growing, and new ideas are being introduced every year. Most of them focus on utilizing drone transport. It is the most convenient way to develop personal air vehicles suitable for carrying passengers in urban areas. Other implementations use traditional helicopters, to offer air taxi services.  

Urban air mobility designers are constantly looking for new ways to take city life up to the sky. Follow UAM blog to learn more about drone transport, personal air vehicles and other new developments in this fascinating industry!